About Foundation for Life

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Why, and for whom, is Foundation for Life written?

It is for every Christian who has ever struggled with sin, or may still be struggling with sin.

It is written as a powerful discipleship tool to provide: a bible-based blueprint and companion for all Christians, to ensure our foundations of faith are based on and in God’s Word, and the Gospel that Jesus and the disciples preached.

It provides the tools a Christian needs to build a strong and enduring life structure on properly constructed foundations, that will withstand the storms and tests of life we must all face in our lifetime.

It is for every Christian who wants to go deeper with God.

It reveals how get and remain Crazy: Radically in love with God, This is vital if we are to remain faithful to God for a lifetime.

And it is for every Christian who wants to be equipped with keys to disciple other Christians and to lead others to Christ the old gospel way.

Simply put, the foundational truths in this book will revolutionize your walk with God if you apply and put these bible-based principles into daily activities in your life.  I know this to be true because since I started putting this Foundation for Life principles into action in my own life, it has forever changed my life and revolutionized my walk with God. Things that once made me stumble in my walk with God now have no power over me, and living close to God is an awesome thing. As we go deeper with God, our joy increases exponentially, even in the hard times during times of testing, shaking, and loss. Building rock-solid foundations of faith, and developing a strong and enduring life structure that comes from living these simple bible principles, positions and prepares us to be used of God to His glory in ways that cannot be imagined, and positions and allows us to maximally impact the world for God and His kingdom.

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Unit Cost: USD $16.00 Plus Post & Packaging